Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.

So….after I turned the heel of the first rainbow sock, the pooling straightened itself out and the sock was a reasonable size and everything just magically fell into place. I cannot decide if the first sock was charmed, the second sock was cursed, or both.

I turned the heel of the second sock and…the sock was green on the back and red/purple on the front. I had a talk with myself because I knew Turtle would find the effect charming and be happy with the mismatched socks and declare them one of a kind. But…I might never sleep again. All those nights of laying there thinking about mis-matched socks running around the planet and me knowing that I’d knit them.

I ripped back to the start of the foot to try again. I pulled some yarn out to make a loop and affect the striping, but I didn’t cut it because I had a feeling. I figured I could cut it later and weave in the ends if the striping pleased me.
It didn’t. Ok, fine, I pulled another loop…would you believe that actually made it worse?!? How is that even possible?

Rainbow Socks

I ripped back to the start of the foot. Maybe the problem was that I was using double pointed needles instead of magic looping like I did on the first sock. Tried magic looping. no dice.

I ripped back to the start of the foot. Maybe I knit too tightly. I tried loosely knitting. Oh, lovely, the striping looks great. Almost time for the toe decreases. Wait. This sock looks like it would fit the jolly green giant and Turtle’s feet are nearly the same size as mine. That’s not gonna work. The first sock is smaller and I normally knit socks on 2.25mm. Perhaps I should get my lovely 2.25mm Sig Arts needles and just try again.

I ripped back to the start of the foot. Everything is striping wonderfully. The birds are singing outside. Rainbows can be seen out the window…..and I remember that I switched to 2.25mm on sock 1 so the heel would be more tightly knit and last longer and I never went back up to 2.5’s. awesome.
Rainbow Sock

On the upside, after all that ripping, the Solemate yarn still looks great, so I’m no longer worried about the heels wearing through. Which is a good thing because if you think I’m OCD enough to rip sock 2 out to go down to 2.25mm before the heel, you’d be wrong…and that, my friends, is what we call personal growth.

To see what others are working on, check out:
Tami’s Amis
Small Things (I’m listening to “Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us” and I’m finding it terribly fascinating so far.)
Frontier Dreams


  1. Katherine the Great » Blog Archiv » The socks formerly known as the muppet socks.
  2. Katherine the Great » Blog Archiv » …the rest of the story.


  1. Oh my word. All that frogging for striping. You have saint-like patience. Socks are such a daunting project for me to think about making. It terrifies me really. I think matching the sock sizes is what really scares me.

    Those are beautiful. I’m glad you got them figured out in the end!

    • Katie says:

      If I’d known people were going to compare me to saints, I’d have blogged about how dense I can be whilst knitting a lot sooner.
      Normally matching the sock sizes is not too hard. Start with your own feet so you can try them on as you go.

  2. Michelle says:

    Huh. I’ve never changed needle sizes while knitting socks before. That’s an interesting idea. I’m glad you figured out how to get your second sock to pair-up with the first!

  3. Wow, good for you. That’s a lot of work, but worth it to get it the way you want! Solemate is a lovely yarn – what’s the pattern you’re using?

  4. Heather says:

    This has been an epic adventure to make socks. I applaud your persistence because I would have thrown that sock in the corner for a while out of frustration.

  5. Bonnie says:

    I agree with Heather. Your perseverance is very, very impressive.

    • Katie says:

      It’s a double-edged sword. I thought at one point, I’d still be ripping and knitting this sock in December.

  6. Mlissabeth says:

    Yay to personal growth! ;)

  7. steph says:

    i’m usually quite happy with ‘Dobby socks’ but every once in a while i just HAVE to change those fraternal twins into identical ones…..drives me nuts. glad you can now have sweet dreams!

  8. Sarah H. says:

    Oooh, I’m so excited for these delicious summer socks. My feet are just dancing in anticipation :)

    Of course I would love them matching or no, but I’m glad that you are sleeping easy now, haha!

  9. bonita says:

    you cray cray.

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