I wasn’t surprised when I fell in love with the Beyond the Wall colorway. Grays and blues are my jam.
I’d knit socks with Knitpicks Felici before and don’t hate it. I go down to 2mm needles to get a fabric I’m happy with and the socks seem to hold up.
This is my usual 3×1 ribbed sock recipe with a trial run of the Spacious OMG Heel (which I disliked knitting so much that the second sock took me over a year to cast on).
I’d planned to knit these for me. Only, each time I was out with one particular friend, she would gaze at them longingly and comment on how beautiful they were. Eventually, I asked her what size her feet are. When she answered with a half size off from mine, I decided to make it work because she’s sockworthy as hell.
Exhibit A: When I told her I’m working on a book, her immediate response was, “OMG! Let me be the first buyer!!!”
Exhibit B: When I asked for a picture of her with her socks, she sent 2. I chose wisely.
Tags: felici,
handknit socks,
knit picks yarn,
knit socks,
OMG heel,
sock yarn,
My People,
It is time for me to interrupt our regularly scheduled knitting to share something The Husband and I have been going through. Three and a half years ago we began trying to have a baby. We’ve since had two miscarriages and a failed cycle of IVF. I do not know if we’ll be parents. I do know we’ll be okay wherever we end up. I know that I would love to be a mom and also know that if Mother Teresa didn’t have kids, it’s good enough for me. Yes, I did just compare myself to a saint.
This journey taught me many things. First, no matter what, I am enough! Our first loss allowed me to realize I didn’t feel like enough unless I was a mom.
I’ve grown to love The Husband even more deeply and I didn’t think that was possible.
It has earned Sydney a special place in my heart. I now understand why people get paw prints tattooed on their bodies. I cannot go down that path or I’ll soon have a Sydney sleeve.
Most of all, it has given me compassion for others. I now assume that I do not know anyone’s whole story and am far more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt. If you’re going through loss or infertility, please know you are not alone.
I have not shared before because I could not handle the “are you pregnant yet?” or the well meaning advice like, “if you adopt, you’ll get pregnant”. I needed a safe space to talk about knitting and laugh. Thank you for that. Thank you for the joy you continually bring me, my people. I am so thankful for you. There is no darkness that isn’t lightened by laughter with friends. You are my tribe.
Now I’ve picked myself up, dusted myself off and am ready to roar again! When life gives you lemons, just keep knitting.
– Katie
Ps. I’m writing a book about my journey of attempting to choose joy when I felt like shanking something. Subscribe here if you’d like to know when I post a new blog and hear about my book…and seriously, Thank you!!!

Tags: grief,
I stayed out way too late for a school night last Tuesday. Deborah and her husband invited me over for dinner and knitting to celebrate her Birthday! Her husband made Mac and Cheese, roasted broccoli and chicken satay! I’d never tried satay before and it was delicious. Bring on the peanut sauce, I say! The Mac and Cheese was so good I had a second helping for “dessert” and then asked for the recipe.
I may or may not have accidentally dripped peanut sauce on my Nain sock, then licked it off because that seemed like the quickest way to remedy the situation. I was not wrong.

This couple acted like people spreading knitting around their plates and licking sauce off a sock is an everyday occurrence.
I managed to only huff the tiny bundt cakes that were dessert. Yay me!!! No desserts til my jeans fit! I so appreciate them being supportive and not trying to peer pressure me into sugar!
Deborah and I each managed to cast on Silk Road Socks. Overachiever that she is, she managed to cast on more projects after I left! I started Usak and Nain. For the record, I knit Nain a size up from my usual because the stitch pattern is not stretchy. It is gorgeous! Yarn is Quince & Co. Tern (75% Wool, 25% Silk) in the Beach Glass colorway. Tern has amazing stitch definition.
Usak appeals because it flies off the needles once you get through the decorative cuff. Yarn is Seven Sisters Arts Meridian (75% Merino, 25% Nylon) in the Curry colorway. I’m terribly impressed with Seven Sisters Arts yarn if you happen to be in the market to enhance your stash.
Deborah cast on Mood socks with Intrepid Otter TWIST! in the Jenny colorway (blue/gray) and
Lycaena virgaureae socks (from Knitters Curiosity Cabinet II) in Wollewien Handgefarbte Sockenwolle (pink).
Deborah is @dcbritter if you stack your Instagram feed with knitters as I do. I look forward to hanging out with these peeps again soon. I’ll try not to spill anything on the wool next time!

Tags: handknit,
handknit socks,
hunter hammersen,
knit socks,
knitters curiosity cabinet,
Lycaena virgaureae,
quince & co.,
seven sisters arts,
silk road socks,
sock yarn,