Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.

Here’s Sydney in the snow…she will do just about anything for a treat. For the rest of the day, she got excited every time she saw me get the camera.

Here’s the ice lantern in the snow….

and here it is melting…just like frosty the snowman at the end of the song.

good bye winter! It is already 65 outside today!

Feb 03

It is very cold here. not by Canadian or Minnesotan or even probably Oklahoman standards, but for Central Texas, this is seriously cold!
On the upside, I found a wonderful opportunity to do something I otherwise would not have. I made an ice lantern! After I got really excited about this idea, my rocket scientist friend Michelle pointed out that I could do this at any time using my freezer. I said, “hmmm”……and thought that would not be nearly as much fun!
So, I went home, cut the tops off my flowers that were going to freeze anyway and began the creative process.

I used apples left over from my Twilight centerpiece instead of rocks to weigh down the bowl.

Bridge adds maximum freezing potential.

I think water actually boils faster than it freezes when you’re watching.

Tip of the day: Flowers float.

Trying to take pictures of my lantern with one tea light lit outside in the freezing wind was a comedy of errors. So, I took it inside, turned off all the lights and snapped a couple of pics (with four tea lights).

It isn’t perfect, but it is pretty cool! I’ve already started brainstorming what other things I might put in an ice lantern…..colored marbles?

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