Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.

Work on the Gentleman’s Fancy Sock continues.
I got to the heel and realized that the leg was 9.5 inches instead of 8.5 which made it just a bit taller than I’d have liked AND used a bit more yarn than I’d have liked. This MAY have been caused by the fact that I went up a needle size from gauge to make the sock bigger and thus more likely to fit AND to allow me to use my brand new Sig Arts needles. (Yes, I know going up a needle size might make the socks wear out faster and isn’t what I should have done, but I didn’t want to have to modify the whole pattern for more stitches around and The Husband’s feet are larger than the pattern)

I digress. I thought, I’ll just rip out 10 rows and it’ll be 8.5 inches and maybe I’ll have enough yarn for the second sock. Tried the sock on The Husband again and he pointed out that if I just scooted the whole sock down an inch, it was going to be loose around the ankle (thanks, decreases). In order to have the sock fit, I’d have had to rip out like 5 inches of knitting.
I opted for plan b.
Gentleman's Fancy Sock
The sock is a little taller than designed and I need more yarn. Wish me luck!

Ps. To see what other folks are working on, go check out Tami’s Amis.

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A friend of mine took a picture of the gnome I sent him for Christmas and it looked so good, I had to share. I think the other gnomes will be a wee bit jealous.
Happy Epiphany, Ya’ll!

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So, I’m not super fashiony. I’m pretty sure the reason I couldn’t get a date to save my life in high school is that I dressed like I might need to be ready to climb a tree at a moment’s notice (this would have been handy if the zombie apocalypse had happened – just sayin’). Now that I’m older and wiser, I really appreciate the people in my life that can help me be in the loop on all things fashion.

Turtle is one of these folks and now Alicia has joined the ranks…and they say that boot cuffs are “in”. Now, you know me, I’ll knit a cowl for a horse if I can stick some cables on it, but Alicia sweetly requested plain, so plain they are….plus, plain = classic, right?
Boot Cuff
You’ll note that I’m only taking pictures of one boot cuff. That’s ’cause I took these myself. You’ll have to take my word for the fact that there is a pair….and that they look exactly the same.
Boot Cuff2

…and that taking a picture of a boot cuff on your own foot is even more interesting than taking pictures of socks on your own feet. I could have asked The Husband to take the pics, but where’s the fun in that?

Mine raveled here

Ps. Check out what others have finished at Tami’s Amis and Wisdom begins in Wonder and Natural Suburbia

Updated to add the pattern (term used loosely):
CO 64 sts with worsted weight yarn on size 9 needles.
Join to work in the round
Knit 2 purl 2 ribbing for 5 and a half inches.
Super-stretchy bind off.

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