Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.

Purpley Red Mitts

These mitts were a really nice break from the bad sock mojo I seemed to have this summer. I did go up .25 mm on the needle size after I got gauge and they are a skosh tight, but the lace really pops, so they’re perfect.
Purpley Red Mitts 3

You know what’s not perfect? trying to take pics of your own hands in mitts (yes, I took the picture above). Thankfully, Meghan helped out and we got some better shots.
Purpley Red Mitts 4
You may be wondering why I didn’t draft The Husband. At the time I decided to take pictures, he was knee-deep in the World of Warcraft. It’d be like trying to talk me into doing a photo shoot whilst I’m counting 1200 stitches…for the fifth time.
Purpley Red Mitts 5

Pattern: Brigand Mitts by Hunter Hammersen
Yarn: Zen Yarn Garden Serenity 20
Colorway: Dragonfruit
Needles: 3.0 mm

Ps. Check out what others have finished at:
Tami’s Amis

Wisdom begins in Wonder

Natural Suburbia

I’m not gonna lie. I can’t really tell you if there were any knits in this movie because I spent most of the movie being stressed out. I can tell you that someone gets stabbed in the neck and they aren’t wearing a wool scarf that could have doubled as gauze to put pressure on the wound. Pretty sure they would have made it if someone had loved them enough to handknit them a scarf.
Overall, the film was well-acted, well-written, etc. but I found it a bit disturbing. Several of the characters were cold and cruel and the violence was a bit much for even me at points. Now, I think I was supposed to be disturbed by how poorly the have-nots were being treated and that was the point of the movie. But, my advice is to take a few minutes to think about those less fortunate than you, maybe donate the price of a movie ticket to the Red Cross or organization of your choice if you like, and skip this movie…also, go ahead and knit a scarf or two. You know. Just in case.

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So. My subconscious thinks I am lacking in blog fodder enough that it is conspiring against me. At least that’s my story. I split the 72 stitches of this sock into 32 stitches for the front of the socks and 40 for the back. Now, you math geniuses are thinking, that’s interesting. I wonder what kind of pattern doesn’t have you split the stitches in half. And the answer is, I don’t know, but not this one.

Take 1

Take 1 - unsuccessful

The chart has a section of 4 stitches that repeat and I ended up with four extra stitches on the back set of dpn’s and then managed not to notice for SIX repeats of the pattern. I analyzed all kinds of (insane) solutions before I bit the bullet and ripped back to the ribbing.
Take 2

Take 2 - successful

My theory is that I normally knit the 64 stitch size in Hunter’s socks and I wasn’t paying attention, so I did 32 on the first set of DPN’s thinking that was half. The good news is that I knit the cast on tail through 32 stitches, so that bad boy is never coming loose.

Pattern: Lycaena virgaureae Socks by Hunter Hammersen
Yarn: Schaefer Yarn Company Heather – Apple Green

To see what others are working on, check out:
Tami’s Amis
Small Things (I’m reading The Selection – It seems like a combo of The Hunger Games and Bachelor tv show…I’m not crazy impressed so far.)
Frontier Dreams

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