Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Jan 27
Comments Off on The Frisco
Category: food

One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to frequent more local eateries. So, I had lunch at The Frisco. I ate the turkey/avocado sandwich on wheat bread and it was quite tasty. The mashed potatoes were only mediocre, so next time, I’ll opt for fresh fruit. The atmosphere is cozy and perfect for a chilly winter day.
Ps. Happy Birthday, little brother!


I’ve been jonesing to finish these socks since Hunter Hammersen wrote “something may go swooping wildly about on the foot” in early December. There’s just something about a plain sock that isn’t really plain at all that appeals to me. And here they are. (right before they went in the mail to their photo shoot)

Aurin socks
I liked the yarn quite a bit. It feels amazing and has nice stitch definition. I’ll be using Caper sock again, but I think I’ll go with a semi-solid. Black Tulip (purple), Dark & Stormy (ocean blue), or Carina (gray) or… maybe I’ll go full on crazy and give Alexandrite a whirl.

Aurin socks
Yarn: String Theory – Caper Sock
Colorway: Beach Plum
Needles: 2.25mm Signature DPNs
Pattern: Aurin by Hunter Hammersen (COMING SOON!)

Aurin socks and plane

It's a bird, no, it's a plane, no, it's socks and a plane!

Ps. Check out what others have finished at:
Tami’s Amis

Wisdom begins in Wonder

Natural Suburbia

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The fact that this is a saga has nothing to do with the design. And since I, the knitter, am writing this, I’m going to say it has nothing to do with the knitter. As I often do when yarn doesn’t pool in a manner that pleases me, I blame the yarn. Now, I’ll put up with some misbehavior from a yarn if it will in the end, bend to my will. and it did. After four cast ons, I was able to come up with something other than blue on the front and purple on the back.

Aurin socks

What I note about pooling yarns is that the first one pools like silk and I get suckered in and then the second one eats me for lunch. Isn’t that always the way? Before too long, Hunter Hammersen will be publishing this pattern, and along with it, there will be more flattering pictures of these beauties.

To see what others are working on, check out:
Tami’s Amis
Small Things
Frontier Dreams

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