Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.

So, I started using the hashtag #casbahislikecrack, but the more I think about it, the more I hope the good people at Handmaiden are not offended because crack is bad for 1000 different reasons, but hopefully people get what I was trying to say. I digress.
Plucky Knitter yarn is all yummy. Plucky Feet doesn’t feel quite as nice in the hands as Primo Fingering, but I can tell it’s going to hold up and I can put up with just a tiny bit less softness for stitch definition this amazing.
and the color! My Word, the color! Every time I see these socks, my soul sings. The pattern was a fun knit and it’s fairly stretchy which I like in a sock. So, spend all your money on yarn and patterns because even though The Husband probably thinks a drug habit might be cheaper, knitting is legal and good for your brain, plus SOCKS!
Yarn: Plucky Knitter – Plucky Feet
Colorway: Vignette
Needles: 2.25mm Signature Needle Arts double-pointed needles (and later 2.25mm addi circulars because I don’t take Sigs. on planes.)
Pattern: Fucus asparagoides socks by Hunter Hammersen

Eating Brussels Sprouts makes me feel like a giant eating the heads off tiny cabbage patch kids. But I liked the flavor.

Eating Brussels Sprouts makes me feel like a giant eating the heads off tiny cabbage patch kids. I kind of love it.

Ps. Don’t forget to check out Keep calm and Craft on!

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A friend of mine has been extolling the virtues of green smoothies and was trying to talk me into the 30 day green smoothie challenge. I figured I should probably eat one green smoothie before I committed to a month. She agreed and took one last opportunity to tell me how good kale was for me.

I read a quick guide on what I might put in my smoothie and got started.

Green Smoothie

Take 1:
2 cups of kale
2 cups unsweetened coconut milk
1 cup blackberries
(smoothie is no longer green, I’ll add another half cup of kale just in case…in case of what? I don’t know.)
1 cup blueberries
1. 5 cup strawberries
2 tbsp. flax seed

Purple Smoothie

Tasted it.

It’s not bad, but it’s not good. It doesn’t taste like anything I can identify.

Take 2:
Add 150g Chobani vanilla nonfat yogurt (13 g of sugar can’t hurt.)
Nope. Something is bitter? or something. Can’t quite put my finger on it.

cups of smoothie

Take 3:
Add a packet of stevia to each glass.
It’s getting there, but it’s too runny.

Take 4:
Freeze it.

The next day, I eat a smoothie with a spoon.
The day after that, I let it melt a little and drink the second smoothie.

Later that day, I realize that kale has more fiber than expected.

And so it was that I started the 6 week Crossfit at Home challenge (recommended by a friend) with a Kale Cleanse.
I think I need new friends.

Ps. When I asked my friend how she LOVED green kale smoothies, she sweetly responded, “oh……..I only use Spinach.”

Pps. Here are the green socks I’m working on. Pattern to be re-released by Hunter Hammersen sometime in the future. I’ll let ya’ll know when it’s available.

Green Socks

You’ll note the foods in these photos are not green smoothie in nature.


Ppps. To see what others are working on, check out:
Tami’s Amis
Small Things
Frontier Dreams

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Summer in Central Texas means at least one day spent lazing on the river in a rubber tube. Like a lot of things, this could only be improved with the addition of knitting. For years, I’ve struggled with this conundrum. I’ve considered things like knitting with nylon cord…but alas, no good ideas have emerged. until now.
As I read the Yarn Harlot’s blog recently, inspiration struck. Washcloths! I could knit cotton washcloths on the water and then throw them in the wash when I get home to clean the river out of them…sugar and cream is not the priciest of yarns, so if it got ruined, I wouldn’t be out an arm and a leg. I bought some cheap needles and gave it a shot.
Tubing and Knitting Knitting and Tubing
I managed half a washcloth before my euphoria went to my head and I had to rip back to correct a mistake. It turns out that even on the river, I can’t just leave it. About an hour before the end of the line, the cotton yarn was soaked, and I took a break to bask in my triumph.
Once home, I was able to complete the blue washcloth and knit up a white one similar to the Yarn Harlot’s. I was pleased with how these looked after a wash. You can’t tell the yarn went tubing.
And now I’m off to see if using a handknit washcloth really will change my life. I don’t doubt it.
my washcloths raveled here

Ps. Check out what others have finished at:
Tami’s Amis

Wisdom begins in Wonder

Natural Suburbia

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