Overall, this was a fun romantic comedy. The Husband thought it was just ok (I think this rom. com. was just a hair light on the com. for him.)
On to the important stuff….the knits. There were some nice sweaters and a couple of scarves in this movie.
1. Michael B. Jordan (Mikey) sports a couple of cardigans. The cable one with a shawl collar and pockets was the most interesting to me, but you know I’m a sucker for cables.

2. He was also wearing a fine-gauge gray v-necked sweater. Layered with a jacket and a gray worsted weight knit scarf, it’s a really sharp look.

3. Zac Efron (Jason) wore a gray sweater that had a bright liner that I liked the idea of.

4. In other news, whoever put a denim shirt on Zac Effron for one scene really needed to rethink that decision….(sound of me making sure there are no denim shirts in my closet of any sort). pro-tip: If Zac Effron can’t pull it off…….
5. Imogen Poots (Ellie) was wearing a scarf that looked like it might have been a pretty lace pattern but we never got a really good look at it. When I watch the DVD at home, you can bet I’ll be pausing to check that out.
So, for me, I say go ahead and check this movie out. I should disclaim that I love nearly all rom. coms….oh, and it’s rated R, so don’t take your mum.
Running time: 94 mins.
Tags: knitting movie review,
That Awkward Moment
I’m not gonna lie. I can’t really tell you if there were any knits in this movie because I spent most of the movie being stressed out. I can tell you that someone gets stabbed in the neck and they aren’t wearing a wool scarf that could have doubled as gauze to put pressure on the wound. Pretty sure they would have made it if someone had loved them enough to handknit them a scarf.

Overall, the film was well-acted, well-written, etc. but I found it a bit disturbing. Several of the characters were cold and cruel and the violence was a bit much for even me at points. Now, I think I was supposed to be disturbed by how poorly the have-nots were being treated and that was the point of the movie. But, my advice is to take a few minutes to think about those less fortunate than you, maybe donate the price of a movie ticket to the Red Cross or organization of your choice if you like, and skip this movie…also, go ahead and knit a scarf or two. You know. Just in case.
Tags: elysium,
knitting movie review
1. It turns out I didn’t need to be worried that all the funny parts were in the previews.

2. Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy had near perfect comedic timing and the physical humor was hilarious. At one point I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe.
3. Marlon Wayans (Agent Levy) was cute and charming and in fact, my only complaint about the movie was that they could have developed the Agent Levy storyline a bit more. Maybe we’ll get lucky and there will be a sequel.
4. …and oh yes, at one point during the movie, Sandra was wearing a fair isle sweater and Melissa had a classic cardigan on that any knitter would envy. I loved it!

Melissa McCarthy was wearing a cardigan similar to this one, but I believe it was gray.

Sandra Bullock was wearing a sweater similar to this one, but I don't recall any reindeer.
Tags: knitting movie review,
The Heat