I finished knitting these beauties, vacuumed my rug and took some glamour shots. The first thing I noticed in the photos is the right and left sock do not match. What the everloving heck?!?! I had a mini heart attack and quickly grabbed the socks to diagnose the issue. They are a test/sample knit for Hunter Hammersen and I wasn’t at all keen on having botched them up. Hmm. In person, they look perfect. I looked at the photos again.
and then back at the socks.
and then back to the photos.
How odd. There’s an optical illusion so the pattern looks slightly different based on the angle. Turns out the position I contorted myself into for this sock picture is one of those angles.

See, different angle and everything’s fine. Crisis averted.

Yarn: Space Cadet Oriana 8-ply
Colorway: Gobsmack
Needles: 2.25mm Addi Sock Rockets for the legs
Signature Needle Arts DPN’s for the feet
Pattern: Test knit for Hunter Hammersen (rumor is the pattern will be out in Mayish, and if you join Hunter’s mailing list, the odds are better than average that a magical coupon fairy will visit your email box when the pattern is available)
Tags: handknit,
handknit socks,
hunter hammersen,
knit socks,
Oriana yarn,
sock yarn,
Space Cadet yarn

I volunteered to knit a pair of socks, selected blue yarn, and immediately started to re-think my color choice. Was the blue perhaps too smurfy? Then I saw it in person. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is exactly the color that Cookie Monster must be in real life. I am in LOVE. It’s got this depth to the color that makes me imagine Cookie is in my kitchen baking and talking to Siri right now. I adore it. I think I may be crossing into ‘Space Cadet doesn’t dye a color I don’t love’ territory.

One brave roly poly has decided that he too is attracted to these socks.
I sat cross-legged on my back patio and snapped a few pictures to capture the joy I’ve felt as I knit these socks. In addition to the color, the stitch definition on these socks is great and they’re going to hold up well, I can feel it.
Yarn: Space Cadet Oriana 8-ply
Colorway: Look up!
Needles: 2.25mm Addi Sock Rockets for the legs
2.25mm Nova DPN’s for the feet
Pattern: Test knit for
Hunter Hammersen
Tags: handknit,
handknit socks,
hunter hammersen,
knit socks,
knitting and crochet blog week,
sock yarn,
Space Cadet yarn,

My friend, Bonnie, recommended the Leyburn socks for variegated yarn. She’s knit these twice and been perfectly happy with them. As I’m typing this, I went to look at her projects and have just this minute realized that she knit both pairs top down rather than toe up as the pattern calls for. I bet she even mentioned that to me at some point…

Anywho, I knit a toe up Leyburn and it was gorgeous! but far too tight across the top of my foot. I took a deep breath and ripped out the entire sock. I located the Crystalline pattern which had the added benefit of a nice little cable up each side. and waited a year.
I then knit a Crystalline sock and it too was tight in the same elfing spot. I tossed that aside and started a third sock and made sure the heel flap was going to be tall enough to feel comfortable….by actually reading the pattern which called for a 34 row heel flap instead of the 30 row heel flap I’d done. I knit a 36 row heel flap just for good measure and was pleased with the fit. Back to sock 2. Made that flap 36 rows and finished the pair. All’s well that ends well. Except, the thing about variegated yarn is that it’s variegated. What I ended up with is a sock that I LOVE and her slightly less attractive step sister. Ladies and gentlemen, there is a reason I knit so many semi-solid socks.

Pattern: Crystalline Socks by Cailyn Meyer
Mods: Crossed cables on rows 1 and 5 so I didn’t have to track an 8 row pattern and a 12 row chart.
All left crosses on one sock and all right crosses on the other.
I had 20 sts remaining after the heel turn on both socks, so I did one extra decrease after knitting across the heel the last time.
Toe Decreases: (Repeat round 1 & 2) 6 times and then decrease every row.

Needles: 2.5mm Signature Needle Arts for the Legs
2.25mm Signature Needle Arts for the Heels-Toes
Yarn: MadelineTosh Tosh Sock
Colorway: Spectrum
Tags: handknit,
handknit socks,
knit socks,
Madeline Tosh,
sock knitting,
sock yarn,