Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Sep 13
Comments Off on You get a blankie and you get a blankie….
Category: family and friends, knitting & crocheting

My BF from college had twin baby boys in August. I made them each their own blanket in the same pattern and colors, but slightly different so there never has to be an argument over whose blankie is whose. I was thrilled to get to deliver them in person and meet them a week after they were born. At some point, I hope to have pictures of them with their blankets, but as Momma was still a little tired and is now juggling twins, I’m going to be patient.

Overall, I was very happy with how these turned out, but they aren’t 100% square. I think over time, after being dragged around by a corner, they will evenutally lay wonderfully flat. The inability to block them made me think twice about using acrylic for a pattern like this in the future. On the upside, the acrylic should hold up and Vanna’s Choice has one of the best chocolate browns in my humble opinion. I just love the Espresso color!

Here is a picture of me and one of the super cute babies. I seem to be considering taking off with him and indeed for one hot minute, I believe I was. They are that cute!

Sep 11
Comments Off on Life Lessons learned from Contagion, the movie.
Category: movie reviews

Seriously, if you haven’t seen the movie, please stop reading now and come back after you’ve seen it because it is really good and I don’t want to ruin it for you!

The Lessons:
1. If you cheat on your spouse, you die.
2. So does your kid.
3. So does your lover.
4. Casinos are a good place to pick up life threatening viruses.
5. Wash your hands and don’t touch your face.
6. Never thank a chef for a lovely meal…especially in a foreign country.
7. In case of an epidemic, it is better to live in the country than the city where people are stealing from each other, shooting one another, and touching surfaces.
8. Yes, it is a little scarey to have someone with a hacking cough in the theater and no, I’m not sure if it was real or meant to make everyone more nervous.
9. And lastly, the part of this movie that I found unbelievable was the idea that someone was cheating on Matt Damon.

Women that left the theater with me and headed straight to the bathroom were doing really serious jobs of washing their hands. This movie is one heck of a PSA.

Sep 10
Comments Off on Halving it up!
Category: knitting & crocheting

After the group painted one hank of yarn at Meghan’s birthday party, we weren’t sure quite what to do with it.

Meghan and I got the idea to knit Christmas ornaments.

The yarn needed to be wound into two half cakes for us to work from. I tend to be a little bit OCD, so I of course, had to weigh the cake as I was halving it to make sure I got it right. A yarn bowl comes in very handy for these types of situations.
  turns into
I can’t wait to see how it knits up!

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