Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Jan 27
Comments Off on Shiny things!
Category: knitting & crocheting

Three weeks ago, Lisa bought some shiny yarn (Blue Heron Rayon Metallic – Aubergine) and wasn’t sure what she was going to do with it. At the same time, I was researching what kind or a wrap I might knit for a wedding in March. I ran across a Jeanie in BHRM on ravelry.com, and thought of the yarn Lisa bought and decided that would be perfect! She may have been a little miffed that I found a use for her dream yarn before she did, but she’s super cool and doesn’t hold a grudge so…..

A couple of weeks ago, I bought this shiny yarn:

Blue Heron Rayon Metallic
Deep Space Silver

and I wound it into a shiny ball:

and then I began to knit the Jeanie wrap from knitty.com by Keri Williams

Dropping the stitches the first time was a little scarey, but I did it, and now I’m almost 40% through with the body. I must disclaim that I’m getting distracted from my shiny Jeanie with other projects, but I’m going to finish it and am not bored with it yet. Here’s a picture of it right after the first couple of drops:

But, I’m like a bird, getting distracted by the next shiny thing. One might almost think I have an actual nest to line and feather. Next, I want to knit these socks, no, knit that sweater, no……these fingerless gloves!

what will be next? …we shall see!

Ps. Happy B-day, A!

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