Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.

So, at some point in the not too distant past, I heard someone (probably in a movie) say something looked a “hot mess”. At the time, I had a hard time thinking I’d work that phrase into my daily vocab. Turns out I was wrong. I attempted this hat:

It is really pretty and I’m quite sure that if a person can read the pattern and knit, it works out beautifully. I, evidently, cannot read a pattern. I confused this with the other hat I was considering that was worked on circular needles in rows. So about 1/3 of the way in, I realized something was wrong, but wasn’t sure what, so I kept going. Things didn’t look quite right, but since I was feeling negatively towards the alpaca I was using, I thought maybe it was to blame. So, 2/3 of the way in, I thought, hmmm. this isn’t right. This looks a hot mess……..
So, I ripped a couple of rows out of it to see if I could salvage it and figured out what I had done. I had been so excited by my new found continental speed that I had been paying no attention to the pattern and how it was really supposed to look at the beginning and the fact that I should have been working in the round. I pretty much invented my own pattern to decrease at the top and ended up with a hat that any non-knitter would be pleased with. :)
and I felt a strange sense of accomplishment that I ripped and then picked up 110 stitches. This is huge progress for me. :)

Here are a few pictures for you to admire or laugh at depending on your mood.

Hermoine HatWearing Cable Hat

(5/12/2009 10:20 pm)


  1. Jacquelyn says:

    I’m so sorry you struggled with this! I’ve added a line about joining in the round. Apparently I wasn’t thinking the day I wrote this pattern up! If you feel like giving it another go, I’d be happy to help you with any portions you struggle with. Just email me at jlyarnworks [at] gmail [dot] com. Kudos to you for sticking it out though! I can only imagine your frustration. :( Sorry again!

  2. Sarah says:

    Well, I’m not sure what it was supposed to look like but I think it turned out pretty great!

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