Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Sep 15
Comments Off on Buried, the movie (SPOILER ALERT!)
Category: movie reviews

Spoiler Alert! Seriously, when you get done reading this, you probably will not want to bother with the movie.

I got the movie Buried from blockbuster mostly out of curiousity. How were they going to make a 20-30 minute supply of air last 2 hours. My curiousity only got stronger when the movie started out with Ryan Reynolds already buried. And somehow, the people that were mean enough to bury him were nice enough to bury him with a cell phone, a lighter, glow sticks, a pen, and a flask? Curiouser and Curiouser.

So, he’s buried alive and he doesn’t know where.
Things can’t get much worse.
He can’t seem to get ahold of anyone that will help him or believe him and his wife won’t answer the phone.
He’s having to use a lighter to see and that is using up some of his oxygen.
Surely things can’t get much worse.
A snake is able to get into the “coffin” with him.
His pen doesn’t write very well.
He has spotty cellular phone coverage.
His phone battery is almost dead.
Things can’t possibly get much worse.
The terrorists let him know that the woman in his convoy will be killed if he doesn’t cut off his finger and send them videos of it so they can air them and ransom him.
After he makes the video, the military is mad at him because he’s fueling the kidnappings.
Seriously? How can things get much worse?
He should be running out of air.
The company he’s working for call him to let him know that he’s been fired as of that morning for fraternizing with the woman who by this point is dead which is against company policy so his family is going to get no life insurance after he’s dead.
They were just coworkers and her family is out of luck also AND his wife is going to be told he’s been cheating on her.
The military bombs the town he’s near, so the coffin is now leaking sand and he’s going to suffocate.
And all the guys that know where he’s buried are now dead.
Then, just in nick of time, it seems that he’s miraculously going to be rescued!
Nope. Wrong guy. They’ve found a different American buried in the desert and RR dies. nice.

I have now realized that just when you think you’re buried alive in the desert and things can’t be any worse? They totally totally can.

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