Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.

It is about 90 degrees outside and I might be one of the few people in Texas already getting excited about Christmas.

OH MY GOSH! It just thundered outside. It might rain?!!?! If it does, I’m pausing in my blogging and going out to dance in it. I haven’t felt rain in four months? five? I can’t remember.

I digress. I have started on my Christmas knitting since I don’t have a lot going on for Halloween this year and Thanksgiving to me is generally the day I put up my Christmas tree. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful Thanksgiving morning, through the turkey dinner, and until the last dish is washed. Then, when everyone else feels like napping, I get a little bit gleeful and drag out all the shiny ornaments. Here are a couple of the ornaments that I’ve completed so far. Here’s my version of the Amigurumi Snowball by Dawn Finney. This will be the only one of these I make since you have to sew it up at the end and it was difficult to make it fairly round. Even though I hate finishing work, I have to admit to enjoying the magic of the mattress stitch!

This Jingle Bell Hat is the free Deck the Balls pattern by Sonia Ruyts. Instead of cinching up the end, I wove in the end and rolled up the bottom. I glued it to a medium sized jingle bell with GOOP.

It is raining!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m outta here (picture Sound of Music style spinning in the rain on a hill covered in very very dead grass).


  1. Jessica says:

    Lucky you! I love the jingle ball hat! It is raining here today too…not so unusual for us northerners though :) Nonetheless, still enjoyed!

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