Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Nov 08
Comments Off on Pumpkin the second.
Category: fun

I bought two pumpkins to carve. Turned out the first took a little more blood, sweat and time than I was planning, so I decided to paint the second one. There were grand plans for stencilling green shimmery leaves all over this pumpkin and how it was going to look magical. Lisa said, “I don’t have good luck painting stencils on round surfaces; you should pencil in all the leaves and go back and paint.” I scoffed at that, mostly because there was no way I was contributing that much time to my second pumpkin project this fall.
So, early Saturday morning, I got up and began to paint the first leaf with the stencil. Saying it looked a hot mess would be putting it mildly. It was unrecognizable as a leaf. Super. The nice thing about being wrong more than I care to admit….oh wait, I blog about it a lot…..is that I’m really good at recovery and coming up with a plan b. I had a pumpkin and some shimmery green paint…..hmmm.
I decided to stripe it. Overall, the number of sections worked out perfectly. I only had to do two coats and I was pretty happy with how it turned out. When asked for comment, TH said, “It looks like a gourd.” with a shrug. Behold – my second decorated pumpkin!

Ps. I enjoyed the most recent Harold and Kumar movie and I catnapped during the Rum Diary. If Johnny Depp can’t keep me awake, I cannot think I missed much.

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