Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.

You may recall Meghan and I attending the Yarn Harlot book signing last October. I was pleased that I behaved with the utmost decorum despite being a total fangirl.

Wednesday, it was A Sassy Redhead (let’s call her Carrie)’s turn to maintain her calm. Carrie has been a Bloggess groupie long enough to have her own Beyonce. I was evidently under a rock, so I’m a more recent convert. I felt a little bit like a poser since there were people running around dressed like this:

When we arrived at Book People, there were even more people than last time. Main difference being that for awhile, I was the only one knitting. Then Carrie pointed out another knitter and I had to Kinnear a photo.

We both behaved ourselves for the most part, but I’m not gonna lie, I totally stuttered. The interaction went something like this:
Bloggess: How are you doing?
(long pause)
Me: (OMG, she’s talking to me!) Good. How are you? (by now, she’s signing my book and getting ready to pose for the photo)
Bloggess: I’m great.
Me: (pause) You’re hilarious!
Bloggess: Thank you! (graciously, like she hadn’t just heard this 200 times)
(I start to stutter and ask if she’ll hold my socks as the bookstore employee is ready to snap the photo and the Bloggess is already posed).
So, I hold up my socks and smile for the camera. The picture is taken and then I say, “I write a knitting blog and these are my socks in progress.”
Bloggess: “I love it!” (like she really did and I’m not just some crazy fan)
The Bloggess and me
She was nice and genuine and I was and am in awe.

Ps. Thank you, Carrie, for inviting/going with me! You’re a peach!…..now I can check “SockS in Progress photo with Bloggess” off my life list! :)


  1. Carrie says:

    HAHA!!! You were totally on your A-Game, girl!! Cool, calm and completely collected!

    And just think…she probably mentioned YOU at her signing the next night in Dallas.

    She’s had TONS of people in all sorts of costume come see her, tons of people bring random things for her to sign, but has anyone brought a pair of knitted socks for her to pose with??

    I think not.

    Not until last Wednesday night, anyway!

    Sheer perfection!!

  2. Katie says:

    I do know I was super excited to see her following me on Twitter, til I saw she was following 17 THOUSAND 800 and 80 OTHER people! :)

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