Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.

In a land pretty near here, a friend of mine was trying to knit some socks.
The yarn is Ella Rae Lace and the pattern was Gratitude. Evidently, you can’t use magic loop for that pattern or they turn out sized for elves, so she frogged several repeasts and decided to try something else.

Enter Gush. This pattern didn’t appeal to her in 3D as much as it had in 2D. And so, she decided that she didn’t really like Gush and started to look for another pattern.
Ella Rae Lace Merino
Then, she ran across Inlay by the one and only Hunter Hammersen. This is the project that inspired her.

As you expect, I had to wonder why she didn’t just start with a Hunter pattern, but I just quietly grinned to myself and decided that with two babies at home, she wasn’t going to have time to rip Gush and get the yarn back in order. And since, I, as you may have noticed, have not had much to blog about, I offered to rip and wind for her if I could blog about her knitting journey. She agreed and so I give you:
Ella Rae Lace Merino (before and after).
Ella Rae Lace MerinoElla Rae Lace Merino
In the end, it turned out that she wasn’t happy with Inlay either and I’ve decided that the yarn is cursed. I’ve heard that if you stick cursed yarn in the freezer for a bit, sometimes that helps.
Ps. And if you don’t believe in cursed yarn, here’s proof that she’s a badass knitter, so it must be the yarn.

Entrelac Blanket by Sirdar Spinning Ltd.

Entrelac Blanket by Sirdar Spinning Ltd.


  1. Bonnie says:

    Sometimes yarn just screws with you. I think the freezer is an excellent idea. Otherwise, it will just stare at her accusingly from the shelf.

    • Katie says:

      At this point, it looks like she’s going to give Inlay a second chande. We shall see. :)

  2. Meghan says:

    I may or may not be the knitter referred to above…but after going back and fixing my ” just not paying enough attention” errors, I think Inlay and I will get along fine. I can’t say that I love Hunter anywhere as much as you do (although i think she is hella cool and the term badass knitter is much more appropriate for her than me) weird Internet stalker fan girl, but I do think the third time is the charm on this yarn. And for the record, that blanket is more a testament to my lack of other things to do and stubborn nature than any real skill. Entrelac isn’t hard, just ungodly time consuming. Just sayin’ I may not have earned the title, but I appreciate the sentiment all the same.

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