Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Mar 22
Comments Off on The WoW Blanket
Category: knitting & crocheting

What is a WoW Blanket, one might ask.

Once upon a time, in a land pretty seriously close to here, TH lived with a yarn addict. This yarn addict started out knitting and was too slow, so she took up crocheting and then learned a different technique and started knitting again. She knitted and hooked (crocheted) lots of baby blankets (and a lapghan). TH wondered if she would ever knit or crochet for him. So, she measured and started the HUGE navy single crocheted blanket that would probably have a foot pocket.
Then, the hooker got so bored with single crocheting navy yarn that she could not take it any more.
So, she abandoned the 1/3 of the way done navy blanket and shoved it in a tower of the castle. At this point, she got inspired by her husbands World of Warcraft addiction (they are a perfect pair) and decided to crochet him a lovely blue/gold Alliance lion blanket. So, she began. She got 10% done and realized that to line up stitches exactly right, you must work it all from the front. This was not going to happen. So, a wise knitting lady in waiting said, why don’t you knit the dragon?
So, she began THE WOW BLANKET. It will be 516 rows (plus or minus 16 rows depending on standard deviation). It may have a foot pocket. It has TH’s WoW character name and the Alliance lion fair isled on it and will be edged in gold chevron ripples (points). It is about 47% done right now.

The princess is saving the closing ceremony of the Olympics on her tivo to watch when she’s finishing the blanket and there may or may not be a celebratory party (perhaps even a party of just two :) ) when it is finally slayed (slain?).

~The End~

(3/22/2010 9:31 pm)

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