Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
May 02
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Category: knitting & crocheting

I’ve finished my first cable knitting project, steamed it, and actually done the assembly. That is the shocking part. :) It doesn’t look perfect, but I’m happy with it. My husband actually laughed when he saw it and said, “that’s the tiniest purse ever”, so, I explained that it is just for shopping/going out when all you need is a credit card and id. I’m thinking of wearing it later today to a college softball game. :)back of purseFinshed Cable Purse
I’m working feverishly on the huge navy blanket which I feel like I’ll never finish and the crocheted cables blanket.
I want to get started on some slippers, but have told myself I must start another knitting project, not a crocheted one to further my skills for the GAAA. If my SIL has a boy, I may knit a blanket for him. But, I won’t know whether to go for a girly blanket or a boyish one for another two months, so I’ll have to come up with a different knitting project for the immediate future….not to mention the fact that I wonder if I’m actually up to knitting a blanket. Last time I tried to use circular needles, it did not go well…. I found a pattern for a vintage bridal coat that I would love to do in black, but I think at this stage of the game, that project might end in tears….so I’m still hunting.
In other news, I just saw the second Harry Potter movie (watched the first one a couple of weeks ago) and I know I’m way behind the curve, but they are not half bad little flicks…and no, I haven’t read any of the books. :)
(5/2/2009 9:14 am)

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